"A Little Rain ... Sometimes"
18" x 24" James Hammons' Original Painting
I watch birds all the time, especially hummingbirds and mockingbirds ... my favorite for different reasons. When in the wilds of the Joshua Tree National Park, hummingbirds makes their nests of small twigs and spider silk deep in the branches of cat-claw trees; and anyone who has ever hiked with a loose shirt knows cat-claws are the deadliest desert plants around. A small breeze stirs their spindly branches, and barbed hooks will reel in anything close, especially if it's an expensive silk shirt, or tender skin.
Anyway, the best part of the hummingbird nest is to look gently inside when the parent is off gathering nectar. Often, blueberry eggs the size of small pebbles are crunched inside, looking as if ensconced in the safest of safes, and letting go of the cat-claw without being hooked is a relief that wraps the image of the nest and tiny eggs deeply inside the best memory banks.
Hummingbird Art.
James Hammons' Hummingbrid art
James Hammons' Joshua Tree National Park Art
James Hammons is a hack! He pretends to be something he is not.
ReplyDeleteI posted the following on my Facebook page, and in the local community page, this morning: So I woke this morning and found this comment on myself from an anonymous "Average". What to expect from someone who comments with the name Average, and hidden profile? As expected it was a nasty comment, and it got me thinking. Lately, I've had a stalker in Joshua Tree, California, who is an ex-therapy client of my girlfriend's, and after he stopped seeing her, he sent several threatening, over-the-top vulgar-violent e-mails to her. She showed them to me because she was scared, and patient/therapist privilege no longer applies with threats and/or implications of violence. I wrote this guy back and told he was not to contact her, or me, in anyway, and if he did, he and his threats were going to be turned over to the police. He kept threatening, but slowly the e's trickled off, and I believed he had found someone -- something -- else to try and terrorize. That lasted a few months, but the other day I was sitting alone in a restaurant in Joshua Tree having a peaceful breakfast when this man, late 30's, sat next to me. Of course, due to patient/therapist privileges, I had no idea what this guy looked like. Then he started talking to me, and the more he talked, the creepier he became. Finally, I figured out who this guy was, that he blew his patient/client privilege by exposing himself to me, that this was not about my girlfriend anymore, it was about me, and again told him in no uncertain terms that he was never to contact me or her again. The police were notified, the wheels grind slowly, and now this morning "Average" is back stalking. I tell this story because he is a local Joshua Tree, California resident, works part-time locally, and if anyone else has a problem with a late 30's man with dark hair, about 5, 11 or so, heavy-set middle eastern looking, send me a Facebook PM and I'll give out his name and address for your information.